Source code for sprockets.handlers.status


A small handler for reporting application status


import pkg_resources

from tornado import web

__version__ = '0.1.2'

UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
MAINTENANCE = 'maintenance'
OK = 'ok'


[docs]def set_application(name): """Set the application name that is reported in the status. :param str name: The application name """ global APPLICATION APPLICATION = name
[docs]class StatusHandler(web.RequestHandler): """Implement a status handler endpoint that can be used to get information about the current service """
[docs] def get(self, *args, **kwargs): """Tornado RequestHandler GET request endpoint for reporting status :param list args: positional args :param dict kwargs: keyword args """ self.set_status(self._status_response_code()) self.write(self._status_response())
def _application_status(self): """Extend this method to return application status dynamically. If the value returns ``maintenance`` a ``503`` status code will be returned for any request to the handler. If the values contains anything but ``ok``, a ``500`` status code will be returned by the handler. :rtype: str """ return getattr(self.application, 'status', 'ok') @staticmethod def _package_version(): if APPLICATION == UNKNOWN: return UNKNOWN try: return pkg_resources.get_distribution(APPLICATION).version except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: return UNKNOWN def _status_response(self): """Return the status payload. Extend this method if you would like to inject additional status information into the response. For example: .. code:: python class MyStatusHandle(StatusHandler): def status(self): response = super(MyStatusHandler, self).status() response['foo'] = 'bar' return response :rtype: dict """ return { 'application': APPLICATION, 'status': self._application_status(), 'version': self._package_version() } def _status_response_code(self): """Return the status code for the request based upon the application status. :rtype: int """ status = self._application_status() if status == OK: return 200 elif status == MAINTENANCE: return 503 return 500